How to create a Pushable Prop?

I need help. I’m trying to make it to where you can push a prop, kinda like in Doors Floor 2 where you gotta push those minecarts. Any ideas, fellas?

a button and 2 props

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Place down 2 props, one is invisible and one is visible when game start,
the scope of them should both be player. (optional)
Then, make an invisible button, make it show the invisible prop and hide the visible prop when pressed.

yep, it is super easy.

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I’m not sure on this one

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Oh, so just a chain of those? That actually is pretty simple…I was worried it was gonna be super difficult!

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Dang, thanks guys! I probably should’ve thought that it was gonna be that easy, but thanks anyways!

no problem.


Have a button and don’t change any settings. Have two props one invisible on game start. Wire the button to a prop: Button pressed, hide prop. Wire the first prop to the second prop: Prop hidden, show prop.

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I’ve actually used this mechanic in my first (and still, embarrassingly, current [I believe in good maps, and am working on 2 at once]), it’s a basic version of a “Follow Grid.” There is a more advanced version with some -ian on the end but…

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Now, I’ve got another problem. Very small, but I’m having trouble with art for a minecart.

Make another separate topic, since this question is about art.

Kk, gimme a sec

The solution is correct, but be sure to make the props extra close to each other, so that it doesn’t look choppy :smile:.

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