bro you might think they are off topic but they are not
Can you help us gradually recatogorize things in devices? It’s a giant trash can for off topic things.
for some reason, I feel that you are wrong in multiple ways. I’ll tell ya why
- regulars are infact involved in categories, they can change topics to be in another category so they are quite involved in that
- one message being off topic and then stating that message to be off topic, that’s 2 off topic posts that’s hypocrisy I sense.
- TL3’s are some of the most TRUSTED people on the forums, I very much trust that @Slim would know what he is talking about here. also don’t appreciate that you act like TL3’s cant help deal with forum related issues, especially when that isn’t true.
- no one likes a mini-mod, please do what Blackhole said and LEARN WHAT THE FLAG BUTTON DOES.
( I don’t like telling people why they are wrong, it makes me have less fun. but if I feel I need to, I will.)
I agree with this. Regulars have more powerful flags, meaning it only takes 2 or three flags to hide a post, instead of a lot.
Let’s stop being off-topic and so we don’t ruin this guide.
ya cause it’s no longer allowed
I’ll start working on it too
i’m gonna get flooded with help topics
I moved a few, and they weren’t bumped.
Topics I moved some were bumped. Discourse is weird sometimes
Is it because your changing the title?
No, that wouldn’t do it.
I realised that after lol
Alright, done.
I’ve cleaned up maybe 7, not much, it’s a nice start.
- Change to the original category
- Match it with corresponding category
Just a question for the other tl3s.
Uhhh- We’ve done a lot. I got 60 some notifications of posts moved to help.
So I did about 20-30 so that means the total is about 100 so far.
The ones that I did, I just moved all to Help, but I think corresponding category would work best. Topics that don’t have an appropriate category (Uncategorized) can go in Help.
Ok then, I’ll do corresponding