Tim was doing normal stuff today.
I Forgot What I Was Talking About.
I just got an idea. Today I’ll be talking about game over screens!
Core Mechanics
- Place down a lifecycle set to “When Knocked Out” and have it transmit a channel.
- Place down a trigger that activates when the channel is transmitted, has a one second delay, not visible, and no player collision.
- Place down a teleporter that is invisible.
- Wire the trigger and teleporter.
- Place down a camera view and have it be 21x10 units big. Use the show grid option if need help.
- Move the teleporter onto the camera view if you haven’t already. That is the middle of the screen.
- Take Barriers, make them not visible, as thin as possible and use them to surround the camera view.
- Take a huge barrier with no outline and not transparent and make it cover the entire camera view.
- Decorate it as you want or use some of the following designs!
Claws Screen
For A Claws Game Over Screen, Here Is A Simple Design.
- Write The Words “Game Over” With Any Color Text Or Outline and place it near the top. I will be using Yellow and Red.
- Get a ceramic plate and enlarge it to around 2 gims big. Then make it yellow.
- Get two yellow circle barriers and position accordingly.
- Get six dark yellow rectangle barriers and position accordingly.
- Get a text with the
emoji and position accordingly. If it’s not a heart emoji, but rather a symbol, then change the text color to red.
And Bob’s Your Uncle, It’s Complete!
Dizzy Screen
Touch Portal, Get Dizzy? Problem Solved.
- Write The Words “Game Over” With Any Color Text Or Outline and place it near the top. I will be using Yellow and Red.
- Copy and Paste the “⬮” symbol in text and make it whatever color you want. I will be using yellow.
- Get two small barriers of the same color and place them beneath the text.
- Copy and Paste the “୭” symbol in black text and position accordingly
- Use the “
” emoji in a text device and position accordingly.
And It’s Done. However I’m light headed now.
Baldi Screen
- Copy down the trigger from step 2. of “Core Mechanics”
- Create a block that has can broadcast multiple channels when triggered.
- Put Down A Red Text Device with a “
” emoji. Make it not visible on start and show it on the first channel shown.
- Put Down A Telescope with no shadow, not visible on start and show it on the second channel shown.
- Put Down A Briefcase with no shadow, not visible on start and show it on the third channel shown.
- Put Down A Text Device with a “
” emoji. Make it not visible on start and show it on the fourth channel shown.
- Put Down A Blue Text Device with a “߷” symbol. Make it not visible on start and show it on the fifth channel shown.
- Move the text and props to the center of the screen.
And that’s how you recreate that game over screen!
Tim Deluxe Screen
Hey, I’m going to let you in on a secret on how to build this game over screen like Tim does.
- Place down bread. This is important to making the game over screen.
- Go to an alternate dimension.
- Win with the finished project.
Feel Free To Make Designs And Modify Some Of The Pre Existing Ones!