How to "conquer" land?

please make sure to mark a solution, please.

the main issue is memory

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bump becuase unsolved

That will take very little memory, since those devices don’t take as much memory as others. As Wingwave said, it’s just 5 devices, which won’t even take up 1 percent.

You don’t need to bump something after 45 minutes. Bumps are for stuff that are 5 days old.


5 days old Two weeks old.

I guess you have a conquering mechanism. So you have the conquering thing activate a wire repeater that only lets team 1’s wire transmissions through, and the same for team 2. That would save a zone.

Oh. I’ve seen people bump things that are 5-10 days or led.

You know what’s weird? I figured out how to post the word join. Just a little tidbit. :upside_down_face:

sry. did not know that ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

No problem, everyone makes mistakes! I can say join too (it’s actually pretty simple)!

Hi! Do you know how to rename links? It’s for my forum & creative tips/tricks ultimate compilation

Yeah, you highlight the word you want and then press the button to the right of the italic or ctrl+k. I have to do that a lot for solutions. What that does is you can paste the URL, and the highlighted word is the link.

Like this (random link I found)
It works! Thank you :slight_smile:

No problem, I’m happy to help!
Here’s another link!

And one more to top it off!

What do you mean?

Hm, I don’t know this one.

Guys, I think we should get back #on-topic if you guys don’t want some flags.

Is this resolved?

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It’s ok.