How to code please someone tell me

how do i code someone please help me

What type of code do you want to learn? Block or devices?

What do you mean code? Do you mean block coding?

Your eyes look like black sunglasses.

Lol same responce.

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… what?

to block code, you basically gotta put in your variables and combine the blocks and you can make stuff if you understand the block code

to device code, you attach a simple wire and program it to do something


The wolf’s eyes. They look like black sunglasses when they are really small. Like on my phone.

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oh, i on pc so i was like, what?

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It looks like that on my laptop as well.

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Here is an iro to block code;
An intro to blocks | TUTORIAL | Difficulty: 🟩
And here is a tutorial to everythingt you need to know about in Gimkit Creative;
🛠 Gimkit Creative Tutorial Introduction

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Weird, never seen it do that, the eyes should be neon green.

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Please mark a solution!


The eyes look like the shine on the glasses.


Oh, i will take that as a complement.


Hey guys, don’t get off-topic here.

Here’s some guides that may help:

[ :scroll: ] The Ultimate Guide to Blocks!
An intro to blocks | TUTORIAL | Difficulty: :green_square:
How to Use Functions in Blocks (Difficulty: 4/10) Need to know about functions

Block coding takes hard work, practice, and lots and lots of testing and trial-and-error. I suggest you play around with the blocks and see what you can do!

Remember to mark a solution, @Maximus!


To tell you the truth, my block code is fire half of the time, then I’m trying to make a debug menu, and I can’t even get set header (get property) to work.

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is fire used as destructive or awesome

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In this case, fire means awesome.


I wish my coding was fire

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