How to build a house you can walk into ch. 2 | TUTORIAL | Difficulty:🟩

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This could be used for many things, why does it have pokemon?

Not sure, feel free to remove it.

Chong is no longer here I think they thought of random houses in pokemon

Yes. You can regularly commit breaking and entering in pokemon.


(post deleted by author)

I do not use padlet. I can always get another artist though…

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(post deleted by author)

I’m not sure at this point, and I suggest deleting that reply to avoid flags (which I’m going to do soon with this one). I’m positive the other replies have been already flagged.


Great guide @Chong!!

Chong is no longer here

@Chong left the forums. Alas her genius is gone. And will never be seen again.

Ok, @VWOOM I didn’t know that.

But let’s stay on-topic :slight_smile:

BUMPITY BUMP :slight_smile:

I bumped into that comfy looking bed