How to build a house you can walk into ch. 2 | TUTORIAL | Difficulty:🟩

I was thinking that you could teleport the player to another location when they enter the house, so it look more realistic

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it has that already in the first ch. 1 i may be wrong it might be in ch.2

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Have I said many People’s Ideas, And Guides Needed french kisses? (Yes I have)
This one also deserves 5!


One Bump to Bump them all into the dark shadows of my bump (lord of the rings reference totally)

Hey, try not to bump within a week of recent activity…

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This is really cool! What are the cardboard boxes for? (Do barriers work instead)

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BUMP, and the cardboard boxes are for shadows and collsion

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@Chong, I have a couple… requests…

Chong's eyes only

For the war effort

SIr bumpith bump-alot has arrived. Fanfare Art Noise Yay

I know you said this a week ago but Chong left

WHAT! Oh no… I need an artist. @Chong was the only one I hoped for. Oh dear…

if you click on their profile you can see when they last posted and when they were last seen

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Yes, I know. I bumped this guide to get their attention. Now what am I going to

last seen means when they last logged in and that was in october

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Not for a thumbnail, I just need an artist.

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