How to Become a GimAvenger or a Guardian of the Gimaxy

you will not drag birds into this, @ClicClac and @mysz (as birds) will release @Blackhole927 and you will perish in eternal darkness

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Off topic alert!!!

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thanks @WhoAmI
i am bored

if you flag us you hate the gimavengers

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At this point, everything we have posted is off topic.

Dragon = Bird
  • Yea
  • Nah

0 voters

Can I just say Kinda? I mean birds have wings too.

yeah, tbh, i didnt put the gimavenger thing in my name because its kinda cringey??? i mean if you’re helpful, you’re helpful, and you could be considered a helper by the community, i mean im not gonna try to work a part time job to keep an unofficial title here


That is a solid point.

True, unfortuanetly I’m so bored and have no life that I do work a part time job to keep that unofficial title.


And it is fun to call yourself a GimAvenger of ________ ← insert title here.

speaking about part time jobs, for the next couple weeks i will be volunteering and i wont be back home until noon or later

Nice that you’re volunteering!

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Same, except I’m not doing something as cool as volunteering; I’m going to camp.


I already went to camp.


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Same here.

Am I the only person who isn’t doing anything this july? ;-;

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We are doing something this July. Not having a life and spending all day on the forums waiting for someone to pop a question that turns into a 200+ comment long GC.

also already went to camp, but what kind of camp do you guys mean. do you mean extracurricular, sports, actual outdoors camp… ect