How to Become a GimAvenger or a Guardian of the Gimaxy

Speaking of wixsite, I’m not going to use it ever again.

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yeah i talk more in the gimkit discord server way more than the wixsite (mainly gimkit hangout, but sometimes i talk in the official discord server)


How come though?

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Beanine abuse.

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Lxmas’s truth or dare?

Yes, combined with sus wifi. My wifi is usually good though…

Sus Wifi + Illegal Schoology = Difficulty: :wheel: or :upside_down_face:/:nose:.


dang it now we cant play _____land together :frowning:

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Bro you of all people know why we can’t play _____Land

Cheesing the game? ?

Hard. I forgot to put a wall around the area where if you enter, you win. I went back and fixed it, and they STILL cheezed it. Didn’t even get to play the game once.

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If @mysz gives you the link, and you find two other people.

I can’t play


@Anythinger @here

made in inkscape

how is it?

  • epik
  • very good
  • good
  • meh
  • not good
  • very bad
  • L

0 voters

gimme lots of feedback on this pls

a detailed description:
the more prominent/active/OG gimavengers are featured more prominently in this. anythinger is up at the top, represented by revan with a lightsaber. zypheir is a sword going into the big avengers A. clicclac and navycatz are both on the side of the a. whoami is represented by the scattered nebulas, and blackhole is the background. everyone else is in a row at the bottom because i was sort of out of room and ideas. i also added the shadow of a gim, and the three best devices. this took so long :melting_face:


Very beautiful @CringeKarlScott! Love it!



It definitely didn’t take a full minute to find myself lol
But wow!

despite u being the biggest, it takes a while to find u

Wait, you’re the background!