How to Become a GimAvenger or a Guardian of the Gimaxy

(post deleted by author)

totally fair. Should @CringeKarlScott be promoted to GA if he apologises to @Here_to_help ?

  • yes
  • no

0 voters

he was banned for being too combative i think

yes, he was, i still remember

yes! i just completed unit 2 of german

I’m glad people are practicing now

unit 2???
bro you gotta move it!!!
(admittedly i am on unit 9 in spanish)

but to be fair, i only started duo spanish 5 days ago
i have a 28 day streak
for 23 days i did hebrew

I’m on unit 3 in spanish.
I also started learning Russian, because why not. I’m on Unit 2.


what? i started in march… but stopped doing it

I only started 8 days ago.


now it sounds like i am lazy… time to grind! also do any of you do scratch or nitro type

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I do nitrotype. Want to j0in my team?

used to do scratch
not anymore
that was 5 years ago LOL

ok on nitro i am turbo lemonade

Used to do scratch, did nirto type a long time ago.


I haven’t been active on nitrotype for a hot minute (or two (or three (or four)))) but sure I will j0in

I started 2 days ago but havent been practicing so im on unit 1 on dualingo

I am Dragon-Fang…

stupid guy with a really stupid username keeps overtaking me!!!