How to Become a GimAvenger or a Guardian of the Gimaxy

what league you on
can i friend you?
im doing spansih and hebrew

I use dualingo despite being in spanish

I have 39.45 alt accounts that haven’t practiced since 2018.

next stop: 1000 comments!

Speaking of Duolingo birds, I haven’t done my lessons in…about a year

Don’t kill me pls

you serious

I don’t use Duolingo…

Also, what’s a league?

I see no reason why we can’t easily achieve that goal

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wdym .45??

come on!!! your not going to learn a language by not logging on to duo!!!

ok, i do german. i am in gold

By doing Duolingo, I leant a new language: the Screaming language!

Its fine, as long as your practicing your instruments and such

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now that guys, is what we can a motivational message!

I lost my streak!!!
that kinda thing?

I haven’t been on the wix for half a week.


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do people see your name or username on duolingo?

Should I close CringeKarlScott’s poll early?

a differnet nickname but not my real name