How should i improve my dragon art?

Give it larger wings

oh not a regular one?
because wouldnt that me kind of simple and easy? i mean we reeallly need one.
(drawing function is what i assume you were replying about at least)

im working on that now. (:

A better head shape. It looks like a dog from my perspective.

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I think maybe you should have the wings sticking up?

And yes, maybe horns and spikes.

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agreed, ut that is a bit, tough ngl.

aight (:
maybe give it a larger jaw or something cuz it kinda looks like the let me do it for you dog, no offense

It does kind of (really) look like a dog. No offense intended, though.

yall r good it looks like a lizard with a dog head, lol


Maybe add horns and the color green?

No, the wings look good folded in, they just need more details like tiny wing indentions or bone parts with the silky kinda like a bat.


That would look good, too! I would maybe make them bigger.

um maybe try to turn this into barrier art
just use orange of different shades and 5 gray barriers.
(Hint: use 2 tiny grey barriers at an angle to get a point and put 1 ate the bottom of the beak at a small angle.)

oh hold on you asked for outline. never mind my last post.silly me! :crazy_face: :crazy_face: (I did just speed draw it)

BUMP! also make the wing point out of the torso. and make them bigger. also I think the head needs to be changed. (looks like a retriever)

this dragon resembles a dog

I think, is this what is called ā€˜necropostingā€™? @twofoursixeight ? Cause this topic is made a long time ago.

The last post before mine was an hour ago.
Correct me if Iā€™m wrong,* But if the topic was created a long time before you posted, that doesnā€™t mean you are necroposting. Iā€™m pretty sure that itā€™s necroposting if people specifically havenā€™t replied on the topic in a long time.

*Please donā€™t.

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Itā€™s a necropost because itā€™s been a long time since anyone posted in this topic, so I will close it.