How do you send pms?

In the discourse trust levels website it says that you can send pms at tl 1, but I can’t figure out how to do that. Can anyone help me find it?

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Click on an user’s profile who also has Tl1 and there should be a “message” button.

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Wdym by profiles like when you click in the picture or when you go into their actual profile

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I still can’t seem to figure out how to do this

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The staff could have disabled it or required a higher level to use it.

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oh maybe

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Pms are disabled. You can only pm discobot or moderators.

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I’m pretty sure you can PM system, but it won’t respond back.

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PMs only available at TL2

PMs only available for staff.

both of these. (TL2+ can pm staff)

Oh, okay.

It was changed from TL1 to TL2 and also this:

Please mark a solution to the topic

The poster is no longer active (as of now).

Ik dude that was 10h ago

I didnt see how long ago that was when i was not being smart and posting that on a lot of old stuff lol :laughing: