How do you make it that when one team is left the game ends?

I have a three-team space brawl map, and I can’t figure out how to make it so that when one team is left, the game ends. and can people send videos or screenshots if you can please

thank you

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Linking this solution:


i will try this thank you


this is helping a lot i will test it out


This might work, but I made it for 2 teams. Also I didn’t say it in the topic, but the system has to be close to you or the game doesn’t register it. Happy Gim-kiting! :smiley:


Welcome to the forums @eliman !
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how do you make it so the checker sends a different signal out when a player from a different team is knocked

Sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. I don’t have any checkers in my system though. I might be wrong I’m not very good at understanding things but I used different triggers that can only be triggered by a certain team, and anything that had to do with the player counter pretty much you use different triggers for different teams. I hope this helped but if I told you the wrong thing then just tell me! :+1:

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