How do you make admin like CAFE SIMULATOR

how do you make admin like CAFE SIMULATOR

He joined way before you and you don’t have the badge for reading the guidelines either :skull:


What is bro yapping about :skull: :skull: :sob: :sob: Can you just leave the forums for being underage already?


erm what the sigma :cow2:


So sorry for everyone derailing this topic.

Anywho, what do you mean by admin in Cafe Simulator? What sort of powers do they have?


huh? so you want to make the exact same lobby on the Cafè Simulator?

you need block code to check if the username is equal to the owner username (that you can set)

all though this only works if you made the game and not if you hosted it

@Jordon.meiser what do you mean “Admin”? is it the lobby or the kitchen?
I don’t think there is an admin in that game

(Post deleted by author because someone answered it)

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there is. it allows the owner to kick, ban, give money, and end a day.

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that’s what I want. to ban and give money

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Wait, Cafe Simulator can ban and give money?
(I haven’t played a Gimkit game in months so please excuse if my question is stup1d)


yes Cafe Simulator can ban and give money

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Stop @Gamingwolf this is extremely off-topic
go play kirby, you are too underage and are not mature yet
Anyone that can see this, please flag the post above as spam

I’m just saying to go away because of your off-topic posts
here in the forums we try to help people, not just spam “hi” 24/7
look at what you’ve done GamingWolf this topic is now closed bc of you


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 3 days.

It’s finally reopened yay!!

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OP has a solution in another topic, and

The host can remove people in any gimkit game, so that shouldn’t be a problem.

Just a small tip to help you, if you still need help: lifecycle broadcasts on game start for the host only, so you can use a lifecycle and some player-scoped devices to add admin functionality for the host.