How do you make a timer go up with colons like 5:00 5:01?

@Legobuilder Make sure to mark a solution!

Their problem hasn’t been solved…

just make it increase

…I don’t think I tried that…It doesn’t help on how to increase time like 12:00P.M to 6:00A.M…Any other ideas other than repeating @CassiusDoomlorde ?

Maybe try not having colons just 6 am 7 am 8 am etc but change the hours slower?

Why is my post abusive? I was just asking if anyone had any other ideas that were not copying @CassiusDoomlorde because that’s what potato 1 did…I asked so I knew if I should close to avoid clutter. Sorry if it seemed abusive, I was just trying to follow gimkit forum guidelines and avoid clutter.

What do you mean by that? I was asking for hours
12:00 A.M
1:00 A.M
2:00 A.M
3:00 A.M
4:00 A.M
5:00 A.M
6:00 A.M
I don’t understand what you mean, If i take off colons and make hours slower how does that change time going down and looking like hours? Am I misunderstanding you?

That post I did not see, but abuseive is not the right word. Abusive is like hateful words comments images, etc. And if that was not in it, you should have nothing to worry about. Also @CassiusDoomlorde is newer to the rules and does not know right from wrong yet. So I can help you if you have questions, but as for that post, talk to jeff about it, he will he you.

Take away the colons would make it seconds not hours. Thats how GKC works.

uh what I didn’t flag anything or make rules comments…

@Legobuilder , your post was likely flagged because of its tone, and not because it had any rude language. this happens a lot with overzealous flagging

That and most people love to flag, anything a bit off can get flagged. What do you mean rule comments?

It says flagged because abusive…and i didn’t mean to be mean tone i realize now that I look at it again i had a typo i mean to say I dont think I tried that…not you dont think i tried that…

I dont understand but Im not getting in trouble a third time because of overcited flaggers.

It ok, as long as you tell jeff that it was not on perpose, you should not get any sort of punishment like suspenstion do to the post being deleted.

So No more fnaf timer oh well people can do that part themselves when i revise my guide…

Well it says if it happens again i get in trouble…Do I still have to tell him?

I don’t want to bother him if I don’t have to. He has a lot to do running forum and gimkit.

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No but if you wish, you can just to clear things up. But things are in the past and should be left their, so lets get back on topic.

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