How do you make a floor is lava (Old post, stop necroposting)

Does anyone know how to make a floor is lava game like with the lava and being able to build and all those other elements


Lifecycle hooked up to zones that toast Gims.


Im confused would this also get the lava and the options to build?

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You can’t implement building unfortunately. Best you can do is have them unlock safe areas, and make the “lava” a kill zone.

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well now we have dynamic elements so you can build things, and you can see How to make a floor is lava map - Community Made Guides - Gimkit Creative

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Please don’t necropost.

What is necroposting, and why is it bad?

Most of the time, necroposted topics are resolved and/or irrelevant in today’s terms. When someone necroposts, it clogs up the first page with resolved and outdated topics that are no longer relevant, taking attention away from newer, more relevant topics.


Now you can build! With dynamic stuff!
(edit: wow, my teacher would throw me out a window for using the word “stuff”)


Yet again, please note that this post was made almost a year ago, and the OP hasn’t posted since June


I just made a floor is lava game. The Dynamic Terrain is really helpful as something to jump on when escaping lava.

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