How do you make a button deactivates when its pressed and activate 5 seconds later?

How do you make a button deactivates when its pressed and activate 5 seconds later?

I don’t know if you can make it activate 5 seconds later, but you could try to set the " When button pressed transmit on" Some channel and then set “Deactivate button when receiving on” to the same channel. Then put “activate on” to a different channel and put down a zone around the button. Set the Zone’s “When player enters zone transmit on” to the same channel as the button’s “activate on”.

Hope this helps even though I don’t know how make make it activate 5 seconds later. It should make it so that when a player steps out of the zone and come back into it the button should reactivate.

SO first, make the button wired to a trigger, (button pressed to trigger) with no collision and isn’t able to see in game, Than, wire that trigger back to the button and deactivate it.(triggered to deactivate button.) Wire the same trigger to another trigger, (triggered, to trigger)make the repeat interval 1, wire that to a counter with a target of 5, (trigger to increment counter)and activate the button on target reached.

sorry if that it confusing

Button → trigger
trigger(the same one) → deactivate button
Trigger(the same one) → a new trigger
make the new trigger’s interval 1
the new trigger → increment counter
Make the target for the counter 5
Goal reached → activate button

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Do you mean make the new trigger’s trigger delay?

yea sorry

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