How do you get unique notifications for when you get defeated

That’s what the “add activity feed for everyone” blocks are for…

Oh sorry didn’t see that lemme try it

I think I might’ve got it mixed up, because I tried it and it didn’t work…
Let me redo the instructions.

It’s all about memory and compression…
I gotta love to hate it…

Make sure you have the map option “Disable Knockouts from activity feed” at the setting “No”.
If it is yes, it won’t work.

Oh I can help! with an Very easy way to do it if you still need help, just ping me!

Okay, this is weird.
I don’t think the activity feed blocks work in the Platformer maps yet!
I’ve tried a lot of different things and yet, it still fails.
What is going on!?

Its literally like 3 blocks in a block code I can do it quite easily

I’m gonna mark this as solution if the community doesn’t come up with an answer

Can you help please? @kirbyking

I think they’re offline.

I am back! And ok So, I will give the instructions it may take me a bit

Why did it take 58 replies for an unsolved topic to not be solved :skull:

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Get a trigger and click the
image button

click this

do this code


get a knockout manager and put this in the settings

That’s it @Costron98 Ping me if you need more help.

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I’m telling you, the activity feed doesn’t work in Platformers!

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That works, but only in top-down.

It doesn’t?

Thank you so much everybody for helping me figure this out in top-down and eventually platformers. Special thanks to @BountyHunterX, @kirbyking, and @GimGuy for helping out! I’m making a top-down, so I will add you guys in the credits.

It does. The game he took a screenshot with is using the platformer mode.

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Bro It works In platformer for me!

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