How do you get unique notifications for when you get defeated

just use the block “Add Activity Feed Item For Everyone” and then put in the randomizers and text. I would update the guide but i ran out of editing time

also i don’t know why some of the photos didn’t load.

anyways long story short its a matter of find, replace, et cetera, so on and so forth, to infinity, forever and ever, all that fun stuff, yadda yadda yadda, blah blah blah simple like that.

What devices do I use

I really need help on this, idk which devices to use. Could you be more specific, @GimGuy

get out a lifecycle (1x)
set it to ‘player knocked out’

now get a trigger (1x)
go to blocks menu

add this randomizer:

customize word if needed, or just use my other guide to expand
trigger triggers when a player is knocked out
then the message is sent

i hope this works, tell me if it doesn’t

Well do we really want a randomiser tho, because I think he/she wants its to be custom based on how they Die_d

Ah, then just make a separate block for how each event went down and adjust accordingly with only the ‘activity feed item’ part

It didn’t work. I made a laser and a sentry and got destroyed by them and it didn’t pop up. I also followed your exact directions.

show us your code, take a screenshot

I can’t zoom out when editing the blocks idk how so I can’t take a screenshot of the whole thing how do you zoom out

You have to zoom out using your browser zoom. On chrome it’s the thee dots- or CONTROL and +

well then give us a screenshot of every part so take a screenshot then scroll down and take a screenshot of the next part

Ok here you go

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you need a knockout manager and then for the essentials to have, if player gets knocked out

send me screenshots of essentials I want to see if your device has it in it

Wdym also since I already made a trigger is it fine if I wire the knockout manager to the trigger

send me screenshot of the essential button but opened

I don’t really understand what you want is this it

I have step by step instructions listed below:


You need a lifecycle device and a notification device.

Step 1

Set the lifecycle to image below:

Step 2

Set the notification to images below:

Step 3

Go to blocks on the notification device. Select “When receiving on channel.”

Step 4

Set the blocks to images below:
Tip 1: Make sure when you put “Triggering Player’s Name,” you put a space before the text you want to put or it comes out likethis.
Tip 2: Just WYI, you need to add 3 else ifs to the if then block with the little blue settings button on the block.

This should work!!!
As always, if you need any more help, mention me and I will help you ASAP!

I can do a simpler one once i got free time

So you can either do his, or when I got time… Mine

Ok I could use a simpler one and also @BountyHunterX I wanted a little black notification like in my photo I provided so the activity feed.