How do you create a progress save file? (NOT SAVING THE MAP)

Yeah. The game can’t currently access the data.

I’m describing how the gimkit team could make a savedata device. In reality, all that would happen is you would select the load option, and the property name. Then, when triggered, it would load the data.

ALL of this is just an idea, so it has little chance of being accurate. What is most likely is the devs just add a menu option to save inventory. I was just proposing that giving a bit more control and loading and saving specific properties would be nice.

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Once again, the two Gimkit masterminds are brainstorming insane stuff making this complicated.


We’re just speculating on a potential saveData device
It got complicated once I started discussing how the device might work on the backend lol

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I told yall, hours ago that,

This was not possible, please remember to mark a solution.

Yeah, we were discussing what a saveData device might look like and how it might work.

Also, don’t be so quick so assume something is impossible. All the math required for a save system (not a device made by the devs, a playermade design) already exists. It’s just a matter of making some block code for it.


It is impossible to create a game that can automatically load “saved” data without servers, even if the gimkit devs implemented a way to save concurrent data using servers, it would cost money to maintain said servers, however loading data through a code that is encrypted would possibly work.

Yeah. Also, storage wise, it’s probably just having a playerdata section in map data. Since publish links only last 7 days, it’s hard for a game to go really viral and get a large amount of people playing it and having their data stored, so storage isn’t really able to become a problem.

Like the map updates after each play. That would mean that only a set amount of different players can play though.

What do you mean by the map updating after every play, and a max amount of total players?

So the data device saves data in the map itself, so the device would update with each play. So the device could only store a set amount of data.

So it might be a good idea to limit the amount of the device you can place to 5 or something, and only allow for 1 property to be stored per device.

Also ,
@Blackhole927 get nolted SavaData Device · Gimkit Feedback


1 game scope, right?

Uh… I was just thinking each one can store a property and load it when triggered, regardless of scope. (If it’s player scope, the property will obviously only be changed for that player).

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I’m gonna try to publish a save system today, so we can see how hard it is and how necessary a device is.


Hmm…? You’re finished?

The fortnite thing;
The Save Point device gives players the ability to save progress, location, resources and stats so they can leave the game and come back without starting over . The Save Point provides a way for creators to add elimination tracking persistence, inventory and resource tracking across multiple game sessions, and more.


The save game device is easy enough. It’s making sure the code isn’t fake that’s hard.

No, but I think I know how to, and I’m working on it right now.

What do you mean? I wouldn’t fake a tutorial, if that’s what you’re saying.