How do u make it so that only one person can use a character at a time

I’m making a rp pvp game but i cant figure out how to make it so that only one person can use flash for instance untill who evers using it gets knocked out

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You can make it player-scope and on knockout give it to a random player.

I think you could use true/false property but there might be a simpler way

I want them to be able to choose and once who ever was using a character is knocked out its open to anyone who is still in the loby

Make each button for the class selection have a global active scope. Make player-scoped, inactive triggers for each button that activates its button. Make the button activate the trigger when the button is pressed. All the triggers should be triggered when the player gets knocked out.


I forgot you can activate and deactivate buttons

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can u somehow make phrase that in a simpler way

thats what i meant
i want it to activate once someone is knocked out

can u plz phrase that in a simpler way

You can make the person who clicks the button get a certain item, and on knock-out check for that item, if it passes, make the button activate again. (also remove the item from the person inventory)

thx (dhjfsdgkfhahgdfhashgjkdfsjdfsdjafhkjdfsdfshfdghfdsgghf)

Basically the button to select each class has a corresponding trigger. That trigger should have an active scope of player. When the player presses a button, that button activates its corresponding trigger. All the triggers should activate its corresponding button. All the triggers should receive on the channel for the player being knocked out. Make each trigger also deactivate itself.


You can just put text in carrots < > to hide it.


thats seems like it would work but its kind of hard to understand. can you rephrase it @getrithekd

Place a button.
Place a wire repeater.
Make sure the button scope is global
Button Pressed → Repeat the wire pulse
Pulse Received → Deactivate Button
Does it make sense now?
Also, DON’T NECROPOST, unless you have not found the solution yet.

That won’t work because it doesn’t reactivate the button when the player who was that class gets knocked out.

For each button, you need this:
Button activates a player-scoped trigger. The button deactivates itself. The trigger triggers when a player gets knocked out (use a lifecycle for that). The trigger deactivates itself. The trigger activates the button. Make sure the button’s active scope is global.

If you have any questions about this, please tell me which parts you have a question about.

Oh. I have a bad habit of only reading the title and a bit of the desc., so thanks for saying.

how should i make the button deactivate itself

Make the button send on the same channel that deactivates it.

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