How do i take 50% energy away

@discobot fortune

Will GimAI answer my questions soon?

:crystal_ball: Without a doubt

@discobot fortune

What is one plus one

:crystal_ball: Yes

idk i’m not his maneger

@discobot fortune will gimai be back on soon?

so i figured it out
but it wont clear 50%, only the entire energy
is there a way to only clear 50%

i will try to find something…

yes. just have a property called Energy. make sure to set its active scope to “player”. add an inventory item manager tracking energy and set “when item changes, update a property” to yes. then add an item granter. set the item granter to grant energy, and then go to blocks and add an “on wire pulse” block. make sure to wire the tag zone to the item granter, but set the wire like this:

finally, in the wire pulse block, add code as shown below (i had to do 2 screenshots because it was a very wide block and wouldn’t fit in one screenshot):
Screenshot 2023-06-06 8.12.52 AM
Screenshot 2023-06-06 8.13.05 AM

but there u go!

@discobot fortune,

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:left_speech_bubble: If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. — Maya Angelou

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: You may rely on it

Do I like cookies?

Tag zone isn’t suppose to be “Player tags someone”. It’s supposed to be “Player gets tagged by someone else”.

When i was making the block that @CringeKarlScott made, i had an empty space in front of the “-”
how do i get rid of that

uhh idk… send a screenshot, idk what u mean

attach an item granter to a tag device and set to: player tagged _ -50%

:clap: :clap: :clap: Beautiful presentation DiscoBot

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