How do i make voting

It’d be simpler just show you this guide.


like i tried a few guides but none worked
but are there new ones?
from like after i got banned so like from the last six months lol


ooh thanks thats greaaaaaaat


if you wish to mark a soluton, use the thingy.
else, wait for more posts.

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oh cool
thats new
when did they add thst


it’s been added since this: (📢 PSA!) Mark Solutions To Your Topics!
also there are tl4s now in this forum, and they can mark whatever solution in whatever topic they want

Also, when did you spawn back in?

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There are many guides on this aready, you can try to make your own version though.

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i dont know i dont think jeffo ever blocked my account but i though he would so i never bothered to check, and then my computer got locked (long story) and it opened and i got loads of emails from here so i came back

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but i dont know how to
i need an actual guide to make one in the first place
i never did get how people made up new stuff
kudos to u

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A lot of people @mentioned you like:
Too bad @Little isn’t here to help with names

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well it takes time knowledge and a lot of trial and error, you can read the guides already made and see if you think you can improve them, just credit those guides and you have yoru own version.

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Hey, y’all are getting off topic, you dont want to get flagged!

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This topic may be getting off-topic. I suggest you go back to the original topic.

If you have to do homework go and do it @Little.
Like @The_7th_Dragon and @twofoursixeight said, it’s getting off topic


Agreed if this continues to be off-topic ping me and i will closed it.


oh its ok
im outta here
this is awful

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Welp bye
@little is gone again

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