How do I make it so you have to be a specific team to capture in a zone. (4 person capture the flag)

How do I make it so you have to be a specific team to capture in a zone. (4 person capture the flag)

Welcome to the forum @Jaxybear, I recommend checking out my beginner guide series(more to come) Introduction Guide.

You need a wire repeater, life cycle, barrier, and flag.

This will make it so that the barrier is there for all teams except the one you want to be able to capture it. If there’s anything else that I can help you with just let me know @awesomeT43

Welcome to the forum, and make sure to mark awesomeT43’s comment as a solution!

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How do i add i though so that they could capture all 3 of the other teams flags. Also don’t worry ill mark it as a solution once i get this figured out with the 3 flag thingy.
(Can someone also let me know how to msg someone directly?)

You could expand their inventory to carry more than one flag in settings.

You can’t do that here, sorry

In the map options, set item slots to 5 so the player will have a lot of room for other stuff including flags

But like how do you make it capture the flag of all 3 at a time? And also so someone from white team couldnt go capture at blacks base with the blue and red’s flag.

You just have to make every flag and flag capture zone a different color.

Welcome to the forum, @Jaxybear! Check out the beginner-must-read and forum-tips for more easy help! Read the Community Guidelines for a gist of the rules. If you ever run into a hard problem, talk to anyone who has the word “Regular” next to their profile name. They can help you with hard and in-depth concepts and mechanics!

Remember to mark a solution to avoid clutter!

@NavyCatZ So no way to simplify this? I have to copy and paste everything 3 times in each team’s thing?

You would need three flags and flag capture zone, then mark each a different color corresponding to their team

@NavyCatZ is there any way you could send a screenshot of the device compatable with 3 flag capture?

Wait, so you want every flag to be able to be captured at the same zone at the same time right?

yes but only like if its in their base like white can only capture in white’s base

welcome to the forum @Jaxybear also i would change this to help instead of devices

You would have to overlay every other capture zone in each base (so in white’s base, you would overlay black, red, and blue’s capture zone.) Make sure each capture zone is inactive when game starts. Place four relays set to “every player on a specific team” and set “team” to each of the four teams each. Connect the relays to the corresponding capture zones to activate them

Why was this in Devices?

Welcome to the forum, @Jaxybear! Check out the beginner-must-read and forum-tips for more easy help! Read the Community Guidelines for a gist of the rules. If you ever run into a hard problem, talk to anyone who has the word “Regular” next to their profile name. They can help you with hard and in-depth concepts and mechanics!

Remember to mark a solution to avoid clutter!

that what i said @wingwave

someone changed it i think