How do I make it so that when my boss sentry is killed, you can't go back until it respawns?

Okay, well, I have no idea how to make it so that if the sentry kills a player, they can’t go back until after 5 minutes, and also I want to know how to make it so only 1 player can be on the battlegrounds at once.

Plz help, I want to figure this out.

  1. Add a zone at the entrance of the area(or surrounding the area) and add a channel to be sent to a counter whenever a player enters the zone.
  2. Once the counter receives the message increment the counter’s value by 1. (Make sure the update scope is only applied to a player not to the entire list of players).
  3. Add a target value for the counter and set it to 1.
  4. Then add some invisible barriers’ to the entrance of the area(or surrounding area) that will be active if the value of the counter is 1 if it is 0 then make the barriers’ deactivate.
  5. Last make sure to reset the value of the counter whenever the boss is killed by a player using a channel. Then add a Respawn device that forces a player to respawn whenever the boss is killed using the same channel that was used to reset the value of the counter.

Hope this makes sense.


Makes sense! Thanks!