How do i make it so that when a prop is destroyed it stops respawn of a specific team

How do i make it so that when a prop is destroyed it stops respawn of a specific team

Let’s say we have a team [n].

Place down a lifecycle, a trigger, and a team switcher.

The event for the lifecycle should be “Player Knocked Out”.

The trigger should be deactivated on game start, should have no player collision, should be “team-scoped”, and should be not visible in-game.

The team switcher should switch the players to the spectator team.

Wire the lifecycle to the trigger, and the trigger to the team switcher.

Now place down a relay, and it should relay to all players on the team [n].

Wire the bed to the relay, so that when the prop is destroyed, trigger the relay.

Wire the relay to the trigger, so that when the relay triggers, it activates the trigger.

That’s literally it. Basically, you break the connection with the lifecycle and the team switcher by adding a trigger in the middle, so that players don’t become eliminated when their bed isn’t even broken. However, when their bed is broken, the system works again, because the connection between the lifecycle and the team switcher is restored when a player’s bed is broken.

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