I don’t exactly know how to do this. My setup is a trigger checking if a property that is updated by a counter is greater than 0. If it is, i had it broadcast a message on a channel to trigger another trigger that checks for the triggering players team number, but it didn’t work, so please help, thanks!
If-> random number 1-something (depending on chance) is = 1 then Return players team number
Maybe use a checker? What does it look like? Can you send screenshots?
Are those numerical properties?
Exactly my next question.
Blue allegiance think alike.
Yes, i’m not quite sure why it doesn’t work.
Try this:
Use a text instead of a trigger as your block hub.
Make it “when receiving on TeamNumber”
Your current setup.
ok, i’ll try this and get back to you.
what if you did
if property=desired value
and tirggering players team number= desired number
then perform desired action
else if property=desired value and trigger players number= other number, do other action
That wouldn’t work, you cant put a “triggering players team number” block in an “and”" block.
O, I forgot to use the = block,
you dont need all the possible outcomes, but if you want it so if theyre not on team one to say something, and if they dont have the property updated say something else, you’d need this
I think I just figured out why it wasn’t working, but before i jump to conclusions, I am going to test it.
You should use the code I put to save yourself a lot of pain.
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