How do I make a zone that activates only for a specific player who has completed a specific action?
Try using a checker and wiring it to the zone. Check passes > activate zone
but i think that activates it for EVERYONE and I need it to be just for a specific player
What is the specific action?
a player would have been granted an item
Ok, just use the same channel that gave the player an item to activate the zone. Make sure zone scope is on player too
If you want the zone to only be accessible by one person, you can make it so that only one person is able to get the item.
Or you can use a relay device.
one word CHANNELS type in the role/name of the player in the channels that should work (but wd I know I’m not that good at gimkit devices)
Zones cannot be activated for only a specific player, BUT:
you can use a check to see if the player is the specific player.
Now to see who is the specific player, must give a property or an item.
In this case I think a property works better, so:
make a property"
name: completed action
type: number
default value: 0
scope: player
now a counter:
starting value: 0
scope: player
visible in-game: no
property: yes
name of property: completed action
connect the specific action to the counter:
action completed —> increment counter
now this player has the counter.
now we can have the zone be “activated” by connecting the zone to a checker and the checker to what happens in the zone (let’s pretend it is speed modifier):
check type: value of property
property: completed action
inequality: greater than
value of comparison: 0
player enters zone —> run check
check passes —> set player to configured speed
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