How do I make a teleporter random?

Im trying to make a battle royale type game and I need to make the teleporters to be random.

wdym “teleporters to be random” and also u can put this as “Help” instead of “Devices”

Just set the teleporters to all have the same group.


this is iffy, but here you go:
place down a lifecycle, then a trigger.
wire the lifecycle to trigger, game starts, trigger.
get a property, and set it to random teleport
go in trigger, make block.
Then put set property random teleport to a random integer between 1 and however many teleporters you have. Put an if statement below it: if property random teleport = 1, broadcast message on channel teleporter1 for 1st, teleporter2 for 2nd, ect. For the next one, set it to else if.
Then make teleporters around map teleport players there when receiving on teleporter1 or teleporter2.
Hope this helps

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strangely enough, that only picks the closest teleporter

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In that case, just use spawn pads.


It’s the easiest way. And it’s pretty simple.

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this is for if they use multiple maps, but if they only use one map, that works too

I doubt they are using multiple maps. Form the look of it, they are making a battle Royale, meaning they want people to spawn in a random location.

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still, if there wanted to make multiple maps, this is here for them to use later