How do i make a system that allows the host to pick the map

So I need it to be where the host chooses the map that the players will be battling in. Then after the host chooses the map they get sent somewhere separate from the players.

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Welcome to the forums, also you can make at the beginning a separate spawn pad that is set to “Host” and the average one is “Only players”. Next you just have buttons that have text above them and state what map it is. After that you just link up a relay, set to all players and then wire a teleporter to the relay, so everyone is their. That’s all.

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Got to go though so wont be able to explain further.

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this post explains how to give “host” rights

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But @Maffreoulini said that the host has to teleport to another separate place after that.

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@Stealthknight Stated it right, but if you ever want the map selection to be first come first serve, just add buttons that teleport you to different maps. When one map button is clicked, make it so that it deactivates the other buttons, you can do this by wiring it to the other buttons saying, “When button clicked - Deactivate button.” Do the same with the other buttons.

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Thanks for the helpful information, i’ll try it out.