How do i make a scope ability for a sniper?

the team fortress gimkit is the map that i saw utilize it


The scope function in TFG applies a 2x damage boost that makes the player deal more damage, as if they were more accurate. This is about the best you can do.

When you press the button the first time, it applies the boost and makes you 3 times slower. When you press it again, you return to normal speed and the boost is removed.


nuh uh, i saw it, look for yourself


I play TFG. I am an expert on TFG. I know how it works.


If your trying to show us a guide or something like that you have to sent the link


oh dang i just checked and you are right :frowning:


@samz He must be editing it, or he is one of the smartest people on this site. (That was a joke. Everyone is smart in their own way.) I think you’re talking about the editing options, but they only work when you’re editing your game.

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but the only idea i have is by using a teleport to a camera view area and then teleport back


That will not make your vision bigger and/or will make a rough game.

dang, out of all the complex things i made i cant even make a ability that zooms you out :frowning:

That requires Gimhook, and that’s not a good thing to rely on. [It’s also really hard to make!]

@samz It may cause lag, but I’m quite sure that won’t work but you can try!

? whats gimhook is it like an add-on?

It’s a mod. You can’t activate it in a game when you press a button though, so it won’t help you and I shouldn’t have mentioned it.

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there is mods for gimkit? wow

I do not believe they’ll be able to use it anyhow since they’re most likely on a school laptop like some of the community members, but I could be wrong.

is there a mod that allows keybind abilities? or a mod that adds a device that can take away HP from players and entities?

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  2. No

Here’s a guide on Gimhook: A simple guide for Gimhook

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