How do I make a prop grant money every few seconds after the prop is shown?

I’m making a tycoon game, and it has oil extractors that give you money every few seconds or so. (Read title)

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Shows a prop and goes to a trigger loop with wires
use block code to make it increment the amount of cash
make sure there is a delay

What if I’m using a vending machine instead?

Do the same thing with the wiring

Thank you very much!

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the block code isn’t working

You don’t need a block code for a simple trigger loop brother.

Place down a button, a trigger (delay 1.0 second), an item granter (grant cash) and prop(s) you need for the Oil extractor.

First, make the trigger transmit on “Grantcash” after you triggered it, and put “Grantcash” on Trigger when receive on channel as well, now you have got a Trigger loop with 1 second!

Next, wire them together as shown:

Button (pressed) → Prop (Shown prop)
Button (pressed) → Trigger (trigger)
Trigger (triggered) → Item granter (grant item)

That’s all, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to let me know!


Thanks! This was very helpful.

Glad to help :)

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