How do I make a player only have 3 lives?

How do I make a player only have 3 lives?

Try this guide by Haiasi How to make a limited number of lives [Difficulty 🟨 or 4/10]


Sorry I didn’t see the real guide lol

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Couldn’t you just use a counter (Player scoped of course and with a target value of 0 and that starts at 3) plus a lifecycle (Player Knocked out) and a team switcher (spectate) WIre the lifecycle to the counter: Event occurs > decrement counter. and wire the counter to the team switcher: Target value reached > switch team.


Yep, you could!

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(post deleted by author)


Lol, nah, just easy to overlook

I’m actually bl1nd …

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@Crimson_Knight thank you! this worked and it was easy!

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No problem, glad to help!

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