How do I make a level that repawns you if you go over 30 seconds?

How do I make a level that repawns you if you go over 30 seconds?

Start the level when you enter a zone. When you enter the zone, have a trigger with a delay of 30 seconds, and when it triggers, respawn the player using a respawner.


Okay, but how do I stop it from respawning you if you do beat the level in time?

Make another zone at the end when the player enters it set a property. Instead of connecting the trigger to a respawner, connect it to a checker that checks what the property is equal to, and if its equal to the number that signifies that the level hasn’t been beaten, then respawn the player (make sure the property is set to for the player only)


Okay, @Fulcrum-19. Would deactivating the trigger work, too?

Maybe, you could try.

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And, @Fulcrum-19, how do I make it so that it shows the time left in the challenge on an overlay?

How do I make a countdown clock? And reset it if you lose?

That’s a bit different. You’ll need a trigger with a delay of 1 second that starts when you enter the zone. Every time it gets triggered, it decriments a counter that sets a countdown property. Have the property broadcast on a channel when updated that updates an overlay. Set the text of the overlay to the property. Have the target of the counter be 0. When the target is reached, respawn the player. To stop the loop, deactivate the trigger.

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you could also use counters :thinking:

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Use a repeater. Once you have the repeater click on time to run and change it to 40 seconds (must be longer than the task interval). Then click on task interval and Change it the 30(or however long you want it to take). Use a teleported for where you want the player to respawn. Click on the repeater then channels. Click under “when repeater runs task, transmit on:” then create a channel. Go to the teleported and click on “teleport player when receiving on” or something like that. Type in the same channel you put in the repeater. Then add a player zone and fit it to the size of the room.Then click on the the player zone and then channels. Click on the top channel and enter a channel name. Make sure it’s different from the other channel name and note it doesn’t matter what the channel name is EVER. click on the repeater and then click on channels and then run task when receiving on. Something like that. Put in the channel you put in for the player zone and you should be good to go! I know it may be difficult without pictures. Happy I could help😊 edit: if you want the repeater to stop after the player passes though, click on the repeater and then click stop strategy and click on the bottom option. Then click on the zone: channels and then “when player leaves zone, transmit on” and make a new channel. Then click on the repeater “stop repeater when receiving on” and enter the channel you just made and it should work

You also do t need to use blocks

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trigger loop and a counter-- which is connected to a property-- which can be shown on an overlay.


Do what @Fulcrum-19 said, but just deactivate the Trigger.

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Please never use Repeaters