How do I make a kill feed?

I need a way to make a kill feed for a call of duty knock off I making. Please help :slight_smile:

You can use the add activity feed item in blocks.

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You could also use notifications.

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It doesn’t work for some reason
Screenshot 2023-08-28 2.01.29 PM
Screenshot 2023-08-28 2.01.44 PM
Screenshot 2023-08-28 2.02.09 PM

You have to use the joi n text block, not the plus

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OOOOOOOH Thx also my activity feed is not showing up for me at all

You need a relay with the audience being everyone

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ooooh ok So quick thing how do I code the activity feed I want it to show like
(Player) Killed (Player)

I’m on mobile right now though.

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I see could you give me like general off of your head or something like that

place down a ko manager and go into its blocks:
Screenshot 2023-08-28 3.20.58 PM


Thanks So much vortex I was tryin to be real complicated and COMPLETLY forgot ko manager’s exist. LOL thanks again


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