How do I make a Directions screen?

How do I make a Directions screen like this

Ok so that specific UI is for teacher assingments only and not available to GKC, but you could connect up a Lifecycle set to game start to a popup device. Let me know if you need images on how to do this!


You will need a Popup, a Lifecycle, a questioner, two counters, an End Game device, and make sure to place down a checkpoint at each summit (that only could be activate once).

set the popup to “banner”, and put the information you want in the header and content, don’t forget to make a call to action button, for this situation:

Header: Assignment Objective:
Content: Reach Summit 5 or answer 200 questions correctly
Call to action button: Start Assignment

Make one counter’s (counter1) target value to 200, and the other one (counter2) 5
Wire Questioner (answered correctly) → Counter1 (Increment value)
Counter1 (Target reached) → End Game (End the game)

Make all the checkpoints transmit on channel “CheckpointReached”
and for counter2, make it increment every time it received on “CheckpointReached”
Counter2 (target value reached) → End Game (End the game)

Hope this helps,
let me know if you still have questions or concerns
I made so many grammar mistakes