I’m making a platformer map and want an end-of-game widget to contain the number of times a player has jumped. How can I do this?
it depends, do u want it to count up, down, hit a certain number of times it jumps, …
like, end the game at a certain number of jumps…
also, welcome to the forums @iichrisgim
nah, I just want to have the total amount of jumps a player has made throughout the game
that would be difficult… plus when key pressed isn’t a thing… I think, keyword think, that this is not possible AT THE MOMENT but maybe later on it will be!
the best way to do this is to add a zone, and every time that someone jumps and enters the zone, it increments the counter, does this help?
since platformer goes upward usually this would be like 1000000000000000000000000000000+ zone count. even in horizontal type platformer it would be 100000000000+ sooo yeah
that’s what I thought until I realized I need hundreds of zones that cost 300 memory. my map is pretty huge which causes a memory issue.
alright, well i tried
Yeah memory issue and also the zone limit…
Its not impossible but, its hard…
what If you used a property and the coordinate device to get the Y coordinate and make it so when the counter goes up by a certain number then increase a counter
But it could still count it for stuff like running on an incline (because it only measures y-change), so it wouldn’t fully work. There is no current solution for this (that is perfect). Also, double jumps can change that, and jumps can be completely horizontal (like running off of a platformer a using your second jump to go horz).
Try using a zone above the player,
it can only be entered if you jump
zone limit is the problem
Just make the zone size bigger!
How would it only be entered by going up, and also there’s the problem of memory, so you can’t put multiple zones in the map continuously, as discussed in previous posts.
we can save memory by putting the zones in the ground instead of the air
It still wouldn’t work, because 1. there’s a limit to that, and 2. there circles, so you don’t even get the full diameter horizontally.
you can set it to squares