How do I make a counter that counts the number of times someone has jumped in platformer? (Including double-jumps)

I’m making a platformer map and want an end-of-game widget to contain the number of times a player has jumped. How can I do this?

it depends, do u want it to count up, down, hit a certain number of times it jumps, …

like, end the game at a certain number of jumps…

also, welcome to the forums @iichrisgim

nah, I just want to have the total amount of jumps a player has made throughout the game

that would be difficult… plus when key pressed isn’t a thing… I think, keyword think, that this is not possible AT THE MOMENT but maybe later on it will be!


the best way to do this is to add a zone, and every time that someone jumps and enters the zone, it increments the counter, does this help?

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since platformer goes upward usually this would be like 1000000000000000000000000000000+ zone count. even in horizontal type platformer it would be 100000000000+ sooo yeah

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that’s what I thought until I realized I need hundreds of zones that cost 300 memory. my map is pretty huge which causes a memory issue.

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alright, well i tried :slight_smile:

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Yeah memory issue and also the zone limit…
Its not impossible but, its hard…