How do i make a card disppenser but it works without any cards please elp

Trying to create a map and my dispenser wont work help pls

you should edit the “butt” to “but”

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LOL Thx for that didnt realise x.x

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Cards? Huh? Wdym Cards?

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Yk Like green keycards-

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You can check if the player has any cards through inventory item managers and properties and blocks.

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A card dispenser? You could use vending machines, item granters (linked to some other device that allows players to interact with the granter), and/or item spawners. There are plenty of devices that allow the player to obtain items - it’s just up to you to decide which one works best for you.


Oh thanks I’m gonna see if i can fix that now

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Yeah there may be but it’s my first time so I don’t really know my way around yk?

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Ohhh, i now get what your talking about. Place a vending machine behind the barrier you want it to put in. Then, put the vending machine “visible in game - off” And you might check the Required item amount/Required Item. Then wire it with the barrier - and make the beginning of the wire with the vending machine and the barrier to the end of the wire. Then - Make it so when the item is purchased, then deactivate barrier. Hope this helps!


add an item dispenser and set item to green keycard

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So i have a system with a button would i then link the item granter or manager to it??

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add a vending machine that uses something instead of the green keycards and when purchase it sends a signal to a barrier deactivating it

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how do you get a dispenser?

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i meant spawner lol oopsies

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Ok I need help on something else how do you make it that only a certain team comes through a portal?

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You cannot make it like that, everyone can come in when the barrier is disables

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Make a barrier, scope=team, and make it so that on game start everyone on the team activates something that makes team1=true or false.
Then, make it so that when the player activates that, check if team1=true. If the check passes, send a channel to deactivate the barrier!

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Or you could get a relay that’s connected to a lifecycle. Set the relay to specific team and connected it to the barrier so it turns it off. (Make sure the barrier’s active scope is on team)



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