How do I know if my game is ready to publish

So I’ve had lots of Gimkit maps made but never actually published them. I only hosted them at school for my friends and myself, eventually the maps go really popular but only in my school. And now I’ve made what I consider my best map but I don’t know whether it’s ready to publish or not. I’m worried that if it’s not polished enough then players won’t give it another try when it’s better. Are there any signs that my map is ready to publish?

If you think it’s completed enough, go ahead and publish it! Besides, plenty of maps (including mine :eyes:) are published and updated all the time.

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I’m just worried that if its not good enough then after someone plays it the first time and its not polished enough they wont want to try it out later even when it is polished

If i where you i would go ahead and publish it buddy.

  • make sure to check for any bugs (i assume you’ve done that already)

  • try to make a random student who has never heard of your game play it

  • play it through the eyes of a regular person. ask yourself: is this game interesting? does it look good? is this game too hard, too easy, or just right?

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Did you know you can unpublish it if it doesent get enugh plays and why are you worrying about how many plays you get as well it doesent really matter (unless your

I just want players to enjoy the game idrc about how many plays I just want the person to actually enjoy the game

1.Can you actually complete/win the game?
2.Is that main game area complete, blocked by barriers/walls so people can’t wander off into nowhere.

yah What he said [quote=“vqnillaxx, post:5, topic:39887, full:true”]

  • make sure to check for any bugs (i assume you’ve done that already)

  • try to make a random student who has never heard of your game play it

  • play it through the eyes of a regular person. ask yourself: is this game interesting? does it look good? is this game too hard, too easy, or just right?

strong text

My game is basically a boss fighting simulator where you go room from room to kill bosses and there are 10 bosses but after you kill them nothing really happens, so should I add like a ending?

Maybe. If your game has lore, then sure. If your game doesn’t then you can still make like a “congrats you did it lol” ending idk

yah I would do that, mabey after the last boss is killed you have to escape werever the boss rooms are and if time runsout the player dies and once you do that the game ends.
(good suggestion yes or no?)

Would you recommend adding lore?

i would reccomend adding lore.

Basically after you kill a boss there is a teleporter behind that boss blocked by a barrier and after the boss dies the barrier gets disabled. This is the same for all the bosses, so at the end of the 10th boss there’s nothing.

for lore i would do like mabey eternals got trapped in an evil force of the dark one wich would be the last big boss and you have to free them by killing the last boss and finishing the game.

does dat sound good? :upside_down_face:

I might tweak some stuff but I like the idea of a 11th final “big bad” boss

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Depends on how it would fit into your game

Also though idk how to make the last boss really good because he’s like the main final boss, like I want some unique ability’s