How do I get a auto closing door?

So im wondering how to make a door close & i have found one with a vending machine that only opens (the vending machine is not visible on purpose) so like how can i have it automatcilly close

Welcome! You can use a counter that counts down.

I’ll try that right now.

Funnily enough, I just built a door like this and then destroyed it

do i decrement or increment

Either, but Decrement would be the better one because it’d be less confusing.

Welcome to the community @That_one_tech_nerd! you can use this guide to build that door.

Not with buttons with a counter.

a counter? why would you need a counter? and you ca’t close/ open a door forever with a counter until its number is reached.

for the door to have a automatic closing system,

a counter is not what you need to make that work you need zones and triggers.

cant u reset it? @WolfTechnology

i could help you with that

you can make a loop with that. and a a zone will have it open and close after left and walk in. Its the simplest option.

can i send the link to it to show u by chance?

can you email it to me?

just sent it @WolfTechnology

ok let me get on it.

ok so you have it when prop bought hid prop, and you want it to reappear when the player goes behind the door?

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