How do I find a certain character inside of a word/number?

That’s why you use mutliple properties.

I just had a thought about storing numbers in counters, give me a second

If you only use letter, then you can get much more performance out of a property.

You can also use pseudo-properties to do this.

What do you mean?

P-props can only save up to around 70 properties.

Connecting multiple IIMs to a single property to store multiple values in one property.

Yes, but that’s at least 350 characters.

Yes, sounds very good.

My brain is too small for this…

Numbers can be loaded into properties like so, but loading numbers into counters is annoying.

That’s wild. How did you make the counter get to that?

What do you mean?

Also, how do you derive the formulas for gimkit strings?

I did the professional method of pulling ideas out my rear end until one worked

Oh, and how did you get the counters to those numbers?

I just preset them to that. But, you could iterate 4,732,429 times.

I have no idea how this works, can you explain?

Increase the counter 4,732,429 times.

No, like Gimkit Strings.