How do I find a certain character inside of a word/number?

Not EVERYONE has used up 125/128 properties on their map.

It’s very annoying to do that.

One sentence has 20-40 characters. Each character would need a property using text. Using base n is way more practical, since each property can store up to 8 characters.

You need one property for the original string, one for the length of the string you’re editing, one for the floored number, and one for the new string.

You can’t find the nth letter in a string with the current blocks though…

Wait is this for a number or a letter?

Letter/ text

Number. Can you floor text?

Um…No idea but if this is for numbers then it doesn’t really help me.

Maybe you could convert text into numbers and do it that way?

That’s what I’m saying.

How would I do that?

Use base n. Here’s the guide:

Whoops, wrong comment.

I don’t know, but I know it’s possible. Ask @blackhole927.

Ok. @Blackhole927 can you help me index a word?

I have an answer. So we use base n. If you don’t know bases, look at the link I posted earlier. So, 1 stands for a, 2 stands for b, and on and on. For 26 letters, we will use base 27, since that is one more than the maximum number, or z=26. Now, for each additional letter, we multiply by 27 one more time.

You can store the word with number encoded data like so:

Since it is stored in number format, it is indexable.

However, won’t every letter bigger than I break the system I made if you convert the text like that?

This does have a maximum of about 5 letters per property however.