How do I deal damage to a player without a laser or a sentry?

How do I deal damage to a player without a laser or a sentry?

Not much you can do, sorry. There is basically no way.

wait could you use a negative health granter

If you want an insta-kill use a respawn device, or a tag zone.

Those don’t work, remember?

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No sorry i’ve never even taken a health granter out of the devices window ;-;

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No like just deal some damage

Then, impossible i think

Yeah, Impossible, sorry

Someone nolt josh about negative health granters NOW!

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That’s a good Idea. We need that.

You can use a weapon. It’s not a laser or a sentry. Examples would be a Snowball Launcher, or a zapper, or even a P.M.L.

@Cameron_Sharer Like here?

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I gave you a like :slight_smile:

I saw But @Cameron_Sharer Here?

Nolt is blocked for me.

She @ted the mods! AHHHHHH!

Look at my profile, @shinyrowlet
click on my icon

I’m so getting flagged/banned as soon as the mods realize I’m back. :laughing:

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