How can you make your own original Gimkit mode?

make a questioner and a item granter. once you have done so, put down a wire starting from the questioner to the item, click when answered correctly, grant item. now, click on the item granter and choose money as the item given and put the quantity to 3.

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Then make a wire from the questioner to a vending machine if the question correct → buy item
@StacheIsTaken didn’t see your post.

@StacheIsTaken, when I add three, even if I don’t have the upgrade for streak, it will make it so I get 3 per question, so I will always have the upgrade, and that doesn’t work, unless I’m understanding your point wrong (sorry if I am.)

@MDODD if you found your answer please mark a solution!

Let me test it out to see if it works…

oh, my bad, I misread what you needed what you need is what @DriftUknown_YT I explaining right now.

@MDODD if you are making a streak you need a property for that.

If you need a picture just tell me okay?


okay, I will tell you if I need a picture.

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Yeah, sorry, I think I need a picture.

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Okay, I’m uploading it now…

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the man needs a picture. give the man what he wants.

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I’m new to creative so I don’t really know what you’re talking about, sorry.


Its okay same thing with me!!

i’m relatively new but I’ve spent 26 hours a day learning, so I’m fine now.

I need to do something I’ll brb, I’ll check on this asap. (Can’t be on the phone all the time, can I? :laughing:)

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Screenshot 2023-11-16 2.24.35 PM
Screenshot 2023-11-16 2.24.43 PM

I’m uploading more…

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@DriftUknown_YT , I’m sorry but I’m flagging this because you can’t put your name and show the community.

How do I flag something?

@Haiasi , please help. I need your wisdom.

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