How can I respawn the player without the black respawn screen or using teleportals?

I’m not sure if this is possible. I want to move the tiles from 2048 using WASD or arrow keys without the player moving back and forth. I’ve tried teleportals, but they can be inaccurate, placing me on the wrong trigger and missing the next one (I’m using a camera point to see the board instead of you, the player).
Or just some way of acccurately going in between 4 triggers

i don’t think you can move someone without using teleporters

what do you mean by this

im pretty sure they are going to put you on the exact place you place them, so i think you need to be more accurate placing them down or use zones.

but i might be misinterpreting what you mean so if i am tell me please


it is not possible to do this gimkit might add a device for this though

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what i mean is, when i trigger the trigger, that then teleports, and, even though there is tiny movement, it puts me somewhat somewhere else then where the telepoter is

There is a guy that made a PSUEDO PLATFORMER IN TOP DOWN. Might want to ask them if you’d like to make a psuedo game like 2048.

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