How can I make sentries stop re-spawning when a prop is destroyed?

How can I make sentries stop re-spawning when a prop is destroyed?
I’m trying to make a wave-type game and my methods have not been working.

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Welcome to the forums, CrystalCat! I don’t know as of right now but I am going to start trying to figure it out.

Thank you! I’m looking forward to creating some unique things with this community.

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I think I might know how let me check

Welcome to the Forums, @CrystalCat ! Make sure you read the FAQ and TOS. Some tags I recommend you look at are forum-beginners, forum-tips, and new-user-must-read. Have a good day/night and hope you have a great time here on the Forums!

I think this works: get a prop and set damage on. Wire it to a trigger (prop destroyed → trigger trigger). Then wire the trigger to a sentry (trigger Triggered → deactivate sentry)


I’m pretty sure you can only deactivate the sentry. If there is a way to do this with blocks I do not know how because I don’t do blocks.


Wow I was just trying that before I saw your reply and It definitely works.

wait. why did I add the trigger lol

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I mean it still works
though I think its better to have a trigger if its not just the sentry wired to it

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so mine and gim_guy’s solutions work js make sure the sentry doesn’t hit the prop I playtested

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@CrystalCat if you’ve found your answer make sure to mark it a solution!

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I’ve tried that, but at the beginning of the game, i use channel to deactivate them so…

I’ll try this though

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So is the sentry going to get knocked out?

don’t forget the rules too @1ShotNoShot

… why don’t you just give a hyper link to the actual faq guidelines?
like this @Kosm0-o

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hey guys
kinda did that already

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sorry I didn’t know