How can I make it so when a entire team is knocked out the other team wins

so I have this:


But I want it so team 2 would win if the host(king) is knocked out. I have that when the king gets knocked out the game ends, but I want Team 2 to win. At the same time, I want it so that if Team 1 knocks out the entire Team 2, team 1 will win. Does anybody know how I should do this? P.S. This is for a map called The King’s Castle. :slight_smile:

well make it so who dies becomes spectators and walla when its just them thye win

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@Mattnosport use this guide

Thanks to both of you. I will try both and mark the solution!! :slight_smile:

Thanks to both of you. I will try both and mark the solution!! :wink:

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@Mattnosport, you don’t have to reply to us individually, you can just ping us (or at least me, I’m not sure about Gimkitsuggestor )

Your never sure about me do you :smirk:

I like how we didn’t have to tell him (or her) to mark a solution.


@FusionLord thanks :blush:. and for @Gimkitsuggestor also thanks!!

No problem!

so for the finale…WHO…GETS…THE…SOLUTION!

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Drumroll, please!

@FusionLord its a he. :joy: :rofl: :laughing:

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Thank god! :rofl:

@Gimkitsuggestor i think it should go to… idk, its hard to chose, both are great responsis, so i will give @FusionLord sulution, and i will heart @Gimkitsuggestor

NOOOOOO I will perish without my solution… AAAAa…dies


@Gimkitsuggestor is one of my idols

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


in what definition am I your idol