How can i make a popup open a quesion answering screen every 10 seconds

how can i make a popup open a question answering screen every 10 seconds

Wait what exactly are you trying to do?

What ever it is sounds painful to play maybe a repeater to a pop up?

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Just make the counter’s starting value to “10”
and the default value of the property to “10”

But personally, making the question pops up every 10 seconds will be very annoying.


get a question answering screen to poup on the screen every 10 seconds

just curious, how old are you? @Imagimkitcreator
don’t be offended.

(post deleted by author)

Although you may have suspicions I would recommend not asking for peoples age, if you feel something is wrong talk to BH


Ya you shouldn’t ask that and if he does answer it, it could lead to a punishment of Info sharing
We have to trust him that he knows forums is for 13 and up

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It is uncertain whether inquiring about an individual’s age is permissible, as no explicit confirmation was given by bh.

But anyways, don’t start a war because of this.