How can i make a indiana jones game?

So i was watching the newest indiana jones game trailer coming next and and thought, what if i made a indiana jones game, in gimkit! So here are some requirements for this post.

  1. Name of game
  2. Type of game (platformer or top-down)
  3. Plot
  4. Temple designs

I will give you credit for the game.

  • Temple of El Dorado? (City of Gold)
  • Top-down
  • You’re exploring for fun through a forest when suddenly you come across an ancient temple… It looks run-down and dangerous, but you don’t worry about that. You enter the temple to find a forked road. Which way will you go?
  • Any specific props I should use? Also- give me a few moments to make a design for it.

Ok nice! How could i name the main character without being copyrighted? Just asking.

How about gimdiana jones and the search of the golden city.

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I was just about to suggest Gimdiana lol. That sounds good @Spydecraft245. Maybe Gimdiana gim? (Although, I think Gimdiana Jones sounds better)

Do you have any more suggestions?

I haven’t seen an Indiana Jones movie in YEARS, so forgive me if my knowledge on the movies is bad. I think @Artemis has the same idea as I had though. (Btw @Artemis I LOVE your PFP, is your name based on the Greek goddess Artemis or smth?)

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It’s ok, you can make your own ideas!

Maybe have Gimdiana searching for something (A gim fish maybe?). I’m like 50% sure people d!e in those movies, (unless I have no idea what I’m talking about), you can maybe add that in the game (if so, try and limit things like gore). I would use “deserty” props, (I think of desert when I hear Indiana Jones), so add things like sand. OH! Also, maybe add some traps? (You know, when like someone steps on a platform arrows sh00t out of the walls? If you know what I mean)


@Spydecraft245, good name idea. It shouldn’t be copy-righted as I haven’t seen any characters named that.

@Rainbow, yes my name is named after the goddess Artemis from the myths, as I want my ideas and games to go on even when I’m not playing Gimkit. (And ty for the compliment on my PFP!)

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